Baptist Health remains committed to our mission of providing quality patient-centered services and responding to all of your healthcare needs with Christian compassion. For the safety and wellbeing of those we serve during the COVID-19 pandemic, we offer a variety of services to help you learn more about the coronavirus disease and evaluate your next steps.

Screening sites have been set up at various locations across Arkansas should you be concerned about possible COVID-19 exposure. For a stay-at-home screening option, Baptist Health offers telehealth services from online providers on the Baptist Health Virtual Care app through MyChart.

Our emergency departments remain safe and appropriate environments for those who need immediate assistance.

If you are seeking assistance for other healthcare needs, Baptist Health continues to offer immediate care for all emergency concerns, in-person or online visits through your primary care provider and specialty services.Services from a provider are available over video 24/7.

Before going to an urgent care facility or emergency department, visit Baptist Health Virtual Care.Virtual Care

Baptist Health’s medical centers continue to provide assistance for all types of emergencies. Our family and specialty clinics also remain open, offering several options to address health needs.Accessing Care

Baptist Health has set up sites at various locations throughout Arkansas to evaluate people who are concerned about possible exposure to the coronavirus (COVID-19).Drive-thru Sites